Training services
Every dog deserves training
training enriches our dogs lives while making our lives together more enjoyable
Reach out now to book in a 90 min consultation to discuss your needs, goals and dreams.
What do you dream of for your dog?
Enjoying our walks
You dream of walking without your dog pulling you, barking at other dogs or people, or even letting them off leash safely knowing they’ll come back.
Living together with no stress
You just want them to have life skills such as being calm inside, not destroying your belongings, listening to you and being able to join in social events without jumping on everyone.
Feeling connected
You got a dog for the companionship, but you’re struggling to figure out how to make that connection, including how to play with them meaningfully.
You can achieve these dreams and more
To discuss how I can help you achieve these goals and dreams, book a 90 min consultation. In the consultation we’ll identify exactly what you want to achieve to ensure the training plan I create is customised to your goals.
Initial 90 min consultation $100
Subsequent sessions:
30 mins $65
45 mins $73
60 mins $80
*Prices include GST
What our clients have to say